with the little man + sis, Isabel, while waiting for our orders 🙂
It has been awhile since we have gone out with my sisters since they are both tied up at work. It has also been awhile since we tagged along my nephew Sean and the little man is simply missing him. It was a good thing we had a little get together last month. We had a really wonderful time. One of the stops we had to make when we decided to go to SM Marilao to watch the new Ironman flick {the little man and I are seeing it for the second time :)}, is Kenny Rogers Roasters for lunch. Choosing a place to dine in is really quite tricky. If you’d ask my son, he’d readily suggest that we go to Chowking, instead, while Sean is pointing us to another kid-friendly fast food, KFC. In the end, the grown ups prevail and we settled in a nice and comfy spot at Kenny Rogers.
my youngest sis, Cecille, + nephew Sean
We ordered food good enough for the little ones’ choosy appetite and the grown ups’ hungry stomach. We had oriental chicken, along with a bunch of side dishes, among them our favorite mac and cheese, and desserts. The nephew also opt for for a fruit shake, while we chose a pitcher of iced tea. The nephew was complaining about the chicken but finished the food on his plate anyway. 😀 Jared was preoccupied with other stuff as usual, but cannot resist his favorite chicken and noodle soup!
The food was gone after less than half hour and we even forgot to take photos of them. Hungry much! 😀
Nothing beats eating good food and eating them with the family. It sure is a perfect bonding activity. Our hearty meal was also accompanied by nice bass drum music, that made our dining experience all the more pleasant. I cannot wait for our next gastronomic adventure! 🙂