Category Archives: food musings

breakfast is served!

Krispy Kreme, breakfast, food musings, desserts

Breakfast is rather tricky as I am normally hunched up in front of the PC to work on pressing online deadlines trying to squeeze them all in before the little man wakes up. So, I’d normally settle on something quick to nibble on as I tinker on my keyboard. Biscuits and similar food staples come handy and on most days, I’d just subsist on a hot mug of coffee as I work the morning away.

Today is a different story altogether, though, as apart from my steaming cup of instant cappuccino, I also have this lovely Krispy Kreme doughnut for my breakfast feast. Sure is more enjoyable to read all about local brochure printing while I munch on the sweet and chewy goodness of my snowflake-designed pastry. Thanks sis for my box of these sweet babies!

I hope you are having an equally enjoyable breakfast experience. Happy Saturday! 🙂

kiwi is my new fave fruit

That is right! Kiwi is my new favorite fruit. Looking back, my Papa bought this fruits on several occasions just so his children can taste it and I wonder why I did not fell in love with it the first time I had a bite. I simply love its succulent taste and its texture. It is now one of my faves and I make a mental note to get a couple whenever I go to the grocers.

I recently got a few pieces when I went out to look for high temperature adhesive and run a few errands. When I got home, I took out my bento tools to create a few car-shaped pieces for the little man. Although Jared dismissed them with nonchalance, I rather enjoy creating these cute kiwi cars and ended eating them all up, too. Oh how I wish I can get the little man to eat these babies. They are a good source of a number of nutrients and minerals, including Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin E and dietary fibers.